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POPEYE  Issue 885

POPEYE Issue 885

What is POPEYE magazine?


POPEYE magazine is the “Magazine for City Boys”. The founders printed this on the cover of the magazine when it debuted in 1976. What’s a “city boy”? The term doesn’t appear in the dictionary and no expert panel could define it. So we felt we should explore every aspect of what this “city boy” might be. After decades of debate, it still makes for a topic of lively discussion. It can be a style or a way of thinking. To get an idea of what makes a city boy, read POPEYE magazine.

Issue 885


Recently, I’ve been thinking about the reason why we go on a date. If it’s only to assure our feelings, meeting online should work just as well, especially due to circumstances of this year. Having said that, I question if I’ve taken the act of dating seriously enough? I must admit that I haven’t really done anything romantic for her, such as buying flowers. Although we don’t have as much opportunity to physically go out as before, I don’t ever stop thinking about her, and still want to make her happy.
So, what can we do then? The answers are in this edition. To be honest, the ideas here are sort of basic to try, but we believe anything will be great if you’re are a couple united together.

What’s inside:

- Winter Dating Guide.

- Eat Up Guide for Special Holidays!

- Think about Modern Love.

- Holiday Gift Catalogue for City Girls.

+ many more regular features, including POPxEYE and popeye notes.

 * Japanese Text *

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